A bizarre incident occurred at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Osun State, as a student of the institution poured a Sniper insecticide on her bunk mate's mouth and face over a past miunderstanding.
Prior to the near-poisoning, the duo had engaged in a fight that was settled by the school's porter. Another fight however ensued today, after the victim of the sniper-poisoning fell sick and couldn't tidy up her corner at the Mozambique Hall hostel.
A heated argument between them, led to pouring of sniper in the mouth of the sick student who has been rushed to the OAU Teaching Hospital.
The victim is now at the health centre pleading that they do all they can to make her live.
According to a source, the said victim is foaming and bleeding profusely.
However, the security officers arrived the crime scene in time and took custody of the culprit.
Here is a video from the scene of the incident which attracted other students of the school;
What do you might have happened to the victim by now? And what do think the cops will do to the culprit? Drop a comment...
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